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Solve for x
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All equations of the form ax^{2}+bx+c=0 can be solved using the quadratic formula: \frac{-b±\sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}. The quadratic formula gives two solutions, one when ± is addition and one when it is subtraction.
Subtract 15 from both sides of the equation.
Subtracting 15 from itself leaves 0.
x=\frac{-\left(-1\right)±\sqrt{1-4\times \frac{3}{2}\left(-15\right)}}{2\times \frac{3}{2}}
This equation is in standard form: ax^{2}+bx+c=0. Substitute \frac{3}{2} for a, -1 for b, and -15 for c in the quadratic formula, \frac{-b±\sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}.
x=\frac{-\left(-1\right)±\sqrt{1-6\left(-15\right)}}{2\times \frac{3}{2}}
Multiply -4 times \frac{3}{2}.
x=\frac{-\left(-1\right)±\sqrt{1+90}}{2\times \frac{3}{2}}
Multiply -6 times -15.
x=\frac{-\left(-1\right)±\sqrt{91}}{2\times \frac{3}{2}}
Add 1 to 90.
x=\frac{1±\sqrt{91}}{2\times \frac{3}{2}}
The opposite of -1 is 1.
Multiply 2 times \frac{3}{2}.
Now solve the equation x=\frac{1±\sqrt{91}}{3} when ± is plus. Add 1 to \sqrt{91}.
Now solve the equation x=\frac{1±\sqrt{91}}{3} when ± is minus. Subtract \sqrt{91} from 1.
x=\frac{\sqrt{91}+1}{3} x=\frac{1-\sqrt{91}}{3}
The equation is now solved.
Quadratic equations such as this one can be solved by completing the square. In order to complete the square, the equation must first be in the form x^{2}+bx=c.
Divide both sides of the equation by \frac{3}{2}, which is the same as multiplying both sides by the reciprocal of the fraction.
Dividing by \frac{3}{2} undoes the multiplication by \frac{3}{2}.
Divide -1 by \frac{3}{2} by multiplying -1 by the reciprocal of \frac{3}{2}.
Divide 15 by \frac{3}{2} by multiplying 15 by the reciprocal of \frac{3}{2}.
Divide -\frac{2}{3}, the coefficient of the x term, by 2 to get -\frac{1}{3}. Then add the square of -\frac{1}{3} to both sides of the equation. This step makes the left hand side of the equation a perfect square.
Square -\frac{1}{3} by squaring both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction.
Add 10 to \frac{1}{9}.
Factor x^{2}-\frac{2}{3}x+\frac{1}{9}. In general, when x^{2}+bx+c is a perfect square, it can always be factored as \left(x+\frac{b}{2}\right)^{2}.
Take the square root of both sides of the equation.
x-\frac{1}{3}=\frac{\sqrt{91}}{3} x-\frac{1}{3}=-\frac{\sqrt{91}}{3}
x=\frac{\sqrt{91}+1}{3} x=\frac{1-\sqrt{91}}{3}
Add \frac{1}{3} to both sides of the equation.