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Calculate 3 to the power of 2 and get 9.
Calculate 2 to the power of 2 and get 4.
\sqrt[4]{5\times 13\left(3^{4}+2^{4}\right)\left(3^{8}+2^{8}\right)}+4^{8}
Add 9 and 4 to get 13.
Multiply 5 and 13 to get 65.
Calculate 3 to the power of 4 and get 81.
Calculate 2 to the power of 4 and get 16.
\sqrt[4]{65\times 97\left(3^{8}+2^{8}\right)}+4^{8}
Add 81 and 16 to get 97.
Multiply 65 and 97 to get 6305.
Calculate 3 to the power of 8 and get 6561.
Calculate 2 to the power of 8 and get 256.
\sqrt[4]{6305\times 6817}+4^{8}
Add 6561 and 256 to get 6817.
Multiply 6305 and 6817 to get 42981185.
Calculate 4 to the power of 8 and get 65536.