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sort(\frac{17\times 718}{18},\frac{1}{18}\times \frac{17}{1})
Divide 17 by \frac{18}{718} by multiplying 17 by the reciprocal of \frac{18}{718}.
sort(\frac{12206}{18},\frac{1}{18}\times \frac{17}{1})
Multiply 17 and 718 to get 12206.
sort(\frac{6103}{9},\frac{1}{18}\times \frac{17}{1})
Reduce the fraction \frac{12206}{18} to lowest terms by extracting and canceling out 2.
sort(\frac{6103}{9},\frac{1}{18}\times 17)
Anything divided by one gives itself.
Multiply \frac{1}{18} and 17 to get \frac{17}{18}.
Least common denominator of the numbers in the list \frac{6103}{9},\frac{17}{18} is 18. Convert numbers in the list to fractions with denominator 18.
To sort the list, start from a single element \frac{12206}{18}.
Insert \frac{17}{18} to the appropriate location in the new list.
Replace the obtained fractions with the initial values.