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\left(81\times 5^{2}\right)^{3}\times 7\times 2^{3}\times 5^{3}\times 7
Calculate 3 to the power of 4 and get 81.
\left(81\times 25\right)^{3}\times 7\times 2^{3}\times 5^{3}\times 7
Calculate 5 to the power of 2 and get 25.
2025^{3}\times 7\times 2^{3}\times 5^{3}\times 7
Multiply 81 and 25 to get 2025.
8303765625\times 7\times 2^{3}\times 5^{3}\times 7
Calculate 2025 to the power of 3 and get 8303765625.
58126359375\times 2^{3}\times 5^{3}\times 7
Multiply 8303765625 and 7 to get 58126359375.
58126359375\times 8\times 5^{3}\times 7
Calculate 2 to the power of 3 and get 8.
465010875000\times 5^{3}\times 7
Multiply 58126359375 and 8 to get 465010875000.
465010875000\times 125\times 7
Calculate 5 to the power of 3 and get 125.
58126359375000\times 7
Multiply 465010875000 and 125 to get 58126359375000.
Multiply 58126359375000 and 7 to get 406884515625000.