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Calculate Determinant
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Find the determinant of the matrix using the method of diagonals.
Extend the original matrix by repeating the first two columns as the fourth and fifth columns.
Starting at the upper left entry, multiply down along the diagonals, and add the resulting products.
2+2\times 2=6
Starting at the lower left entry, multiply up along the diagonals, and add the resulting products.
Subtract the sum of the upward diagonal products from the sum of the downward diagonal products.
Subtract 6 from 5.
Find the determinant of the matrix using the method of expansion by minors (also known as expansion by cofactors).
To expand by minors, multiply each element of the first row by its minor, which is the determinant of the 2\times 2 matrix created by deleting the row and column containing that element, then multiply by the element's position sign.
2-2-2\times 2+3
For the 2\times 2 matrix \left(\begin{matrix}a&b\\c&d\end{matrix}\right), the determinant is ad-bc.
-2\times 2+3
Add the terms to obtain the final result.