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\frac{4927500000000\times 24\times 60\times 60}{52!}
Multiply 13500000000 and 365 to get 4927500000000.
\frac{118260000000000\times 60\times 60}{52!}
Multiply 4927500000000 and 24 to get 118260000000000.
\frac{7095600000000000\times 60}{52!}
Multiply 118260000000000 and 60 to get 7095600000000000.
Multiply 7095600000000000 and 60 to get 425736000000000000.
The factorial of 52 is 80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000.
Reduce the fraction \frac{425736000000000000}{80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000} to lowest terms by extracting and canceling out 5832000000000000.