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Bài kiểm tra
5 bài toán tương tự với:
Các bài toán tương tự từ Tìm kiếm web
How do you solve \displaystyle-{5}{x}+{y}{>}-{1} and \displaystyle{2}{x}+{y}{<}{1} ?
This could be re-written as a single compound inequality: \displaystyle{\left(\text{XXXX}\right)} \displaystyle{1}-{2}{x}{>}{y}{>}{5}{x}-{1} or it could be expressed as a graph (see ...
How do you graph the system of linear inequalities \displaystyle{2}{x}+{y}{<}{6} and \displaystyle{y}{>}-{2} ?
Alan P. Apr 22, 2015 \displaystyle{2}{x}+{y}{<}{6} and \displaystyle{y}{>}-{2} First consider the related linear equations: \displaystyle{2}{x}+{y}={6}\rightarrow{y}=-{2}{x}+{6} ...
How do you graph the system of linear inequalities \displaystyle{x}-{y}{>}{7} and \displaystyle{2}{x}+{y}{<}{8} ?
See below: Explanation: \displaystyle{x}-{y}{>}{7} \displaystyle{2}{x}+{y}{<}{8} Let's first graph the boundary lines for each graph, then figure out what needs to be shaded. To graph the ...
How do you graph \displaystyle{3}{x}+{y}{<}{4} ?
See a solution process below: Explanation: First, solve for two points as an equation instead of an inequality to find the boundary line for the inequality. For: \displaystyle{x}={0} \displaystyle{\left({3}\cdot{0}\right)}+{y}={4} ...
How do you graph \displaystyle{3}{x}+{y}{<}{5} ?
Lea Jun 22, 2015 The first step is to treat the inequality as an equality. \displaystyle{3}{x}+{y}={5} Then find coordinates that will create the border of the area that is ...
How do you graph \displaystyle{5}{x}+{y}{<}{7} ?
See a solution process below: Explanation: First, solve for two points as an equation instead of an inequality to find the boundary line for the inequality. For: \displaystyle{x}={0} \displaystyle{\left({5}\cdot{0}\right)}+{y}={7} ...
Thêm Mục
Chia sẻ
Sao chép
Đã sao chép vào bảng tạm
Những vấn đề tương tự
5 > 2x + 3
-2 < 3x+2 < 8
2x^2 \geq 50
\frac{5}{3x+3} \leq 8
Trở về đầu