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Math Solver
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Lấy vi phân theo x
Bài kiểm tra
\frac { d } { d x } ( 2 )
Các bài toán tương tự từ Tìm kiếm web
let f be a differentiable function. Compute \frac{d}{dx}g(2), where g(x) = \frac{f(2x)}{x}.
You have an extra 4 in the numerator here: i know that : \dfrac{d}{dx}g(2)=\dfrac{4(\dfrac{d}{dx}f(4))-4f(4)}{4} If g(x) = \dfrac{f(2x)}x, then \begin{align*} \frac d{dx} g(x) &= \frac d{dx} ...
How to rewrite \frac{d}{d(x+c)}? [closed]
Use the chain rule. Define u = x + c then use the fact that \frac{d\cdot}{dx} = \frac{du}{dx} \frac{d\cdot}{du} where the \cdot represents any function, so \frac{df}{dx} = \frac{du}{dx} \frac{df}{du} ...
What does is the meaning of \frac{d}{dx}+x in (\frac{d}{dx}+x)y=0?
The symbols d/dx and x should both be interpreted as linear operators acting on a vector space that the unknown function y belongs to. The sum of linear operators is well-defined and that is ...
Intuitive explanation of \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}=0?
Not sure about the problem but the strength of the electrical field, E, depends on your distance from it, which I assume is x. \frac{dE}{dx} then, is how much the strength of the field changes ...
Question about the chain rule.
Suppose we add an infinitesimal to x : x_1=x_0+\Delta x . What happens to y ? By definition, the derivative tells us how much a function changes relative to changes in its input: the change ...
Spectrum of the derivative operator
\newcommand{\id}{I} As it was mentioned in the comments, the domain where you defined the operator is not correct - If you take C^1-functions with derivatives in L^2 the domain will be "too ...
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Những vấn đề tương tự
\frac { d } { d x } ( 2 )
\frac { d } { d x } ( 4 x )
\frac { d } { d x } ( 6 x ^ 2 )
\frac { d } { d x } ( 3x+7 )
\frac { d } { d a } ( 6a ( a -2) )
\frac { d } { d z } ( \frac{z+3}{2z-4} )
Trở về đầu