मुखेल आशय वगडाय
x खातीर सोडोवचें
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वॅब सोदांतल्यान समान समस्या


x+2\geq 0 x+7<0
For the quotient to be ≤0, one of the values x+2 and x+7 has to be ≥0, the other has to be ≤0, and x+7 cannot be zero. Consider the case when x+2\geq 0 and x+7 is negative.
x\in \emptyset
हें खंयच्याय वास्तविक x खातीर फट आसा.
x+2\leq 0 x+7>0
Consider the case when x+2\leq 0 and x+7 is positive.
x\in (-7,-2]
दोनूय असमानतायांचें समाधान करपी उत्तर x\in \left(-7,-2\right] आसा.
x\in (-7,-2]
प्राप्त समाधानाचें संयुक्त हें निमाणें समाधान आसा.