মূল বিষয়বস্তুতে এড়িয়ে যান
Solve for x
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72-\frac{7225\times 720^{3}}{-820}+22=x
Calculate 85 to the power of 2 and get 7225.
72-\frac{7225\times 373248000}{-820}+22=x
Calculate 720 to the power of 3 and get 373248000.
Multiply 7225 and 373248000 to get 2696716800000.
Reduce the fraction \frac{2696716800000}{-820} to lowest terms by extracting and canceling out 20.
The opposite of -\frac{134835840000}{41} is \frac{134835840000}{41}.
Convert 72 to fraction \frac{2952}{41}.
Since \frac{2952}{41} and \frac{134835840000}{41} have the same denominator, add them by adding their numerators.
Add 2952 and 134835840000 to get 134835842952.
Convert 22 to fraction \frac{902}{41}.
Since \frac{134835842952}{41} and \frac{902}{41} have the same denominator, add them by adding their numerators.
Add 134835842952 and 902 to get 134835843854.
Swap sides so that all variable terms are on the left hand side.