মূল বিষয়বস্তুতে এড়িয়ে যান
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ওয়েব সন্ধান থেকে অনুরূপ প্রশ্নাবলী

শেয়ার করুন

Calculate the square root of 25 and get 5.
Rewrite the square root of the division \frac{1}{9} as the division of square roots \frac{\sqrt{1}}{\sqrt{9}}. Take the square root of both numerator and denominator.
Convert 5 to fraction \frac{15}{3}.
Since \frac{15}{3} and \frac{1}{3} have the same denominator, subtract them by subtracting their numerators.
Subtract 1 from 15 to get 14.
Since \frac{14}{3} and \frac{11}{3} have the same denominator, subtract them by subtracting their numerators.
Subtract 11 from 14 to get 3.
Divide 3 by 3 to get 1.