Asosiy tarkibga oʻtish
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θ ga nisbatan hosilani topish
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Veb-qidiruvdagi o'xshash muammolar

Baham ko'rish

\int |\cos(\theta )|d_{0}\mathrm{d}x
Evaluate the indefinite integral first.
|\cos(\theta )|d_{0}x
Find the integral of |\cos(\theta )|d_{0} using the table of common integrals rule \int a\mathrm{d}x=ax.
180|\cos(\theta )|d_{0}+0|\cos(\theta )|d_{0}
The definite integral is the antiderivative of the expression evaluated at the upper limit of integration minus the antiderivative evaluated at the lower limit of integration.
180|\cos(\theta )|d_{0}